Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Troubleshooting: Check your calendar settings

Just a couple of things I have discovered as more people started using myspaceGcal.

A.) Your calendar MUST be set to public, otherwise the swf will hang on "Loading..." To do this:
  1. Open your Google calendar
  2. Click on "Settings" in the upper right corner
  3. Click on the "Calendars" tab
  4. Under "My Calendars" click on the calendar you want to share
  5. Click "Share this calendar"
  6. Select "Make this calendar public" and save.
B.) Be sure to set your timezone correctly, otherwise your calendar may show incorrect dates and start times.
  1. Open your Google calendar
  2. Click on "Settings" in the upper right corner
  3. Click on the "Calendars" tab
  4. Under "My Calendars" click on the calendar you want to modify
  5. Under "Calendar Time Zone", set the timezone to the timezone of your region.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

myspaceGcal Launch

Welcome to myspaceGcal!

MyspaceGcal a free flash script that will allow you to embed your existing Google Calendar into Myspace. This is great for musicians, venues, or artists who would like their events to show up on Myspace, but do not want to maintain multiple calendars.

See the screenshot to the left to see what it looks like.

myspaceGcal features:
  • Display your events in chronological order
  • Lists all future events in a scrollable list
  • Shows the event description when the event title is clicked
  • Customizable colors
  • Publishable in myspace and anywhere else that supports embedded .swf files
  • Link to your full calendar in the title bar or below the flash area

To get started, visit:

And follow the directions posted there.

Let me know if you find this useful and have any ideas for improvement! Drop me a line at: